Body to Code by Laurent Malys

Laurent Malys is working on a show that mixes dance and techniques of live music composition. He build a prosthesis to attach each part of a split computer keyboard to his hands, allowing him to type while moving freely and dancing.

The show is intended to be an ironic and impractical transhumanist performance that will show the creativity of algorithmic and electronic music, while bringing all the musical expressiveness through the movement of the body. It is also a questioning of the interfaces between humans and machines/instruments and our relationship to technical languages.

The technical part of the project involves three software components that are in an early stage of development and will continue to be built and tested during PIFcamp:
– tui-seq: A terminal user interface for live composition and live coding (using FoxDot and supercollider)
– body2ctrl: A set of computer vision tools that can translate movement of the body into musical control
– ofxpartloop: An “event-driven” music visualization software (made in Openframeworks)

During the PIFcamp, Laurent will try to engage other participants to experiment ‘body2ctrl’ to control music software or their own software or hardware synthetiser (via midi or osc).

Laurent Malys makes sound and moving images with algorithm and electronics and experiment with various ways to mix music, visuals and performance (with live-coding, digital and analog synthesis, vector synthesis, electronics, mechanics, fabrication.)